To be able to see the state in numbers at the bank
Marc Boada Coll
On the bank statement, you can see if a movement has been reconciled or not depending on the color. In the case of payments that arrive in installments, it would be a good idea if you could also view the outstanding amount in numbers with respect to the total.
Javier Gonzalez
It is now possible to know the amount outstanding to be reconciled for any payment that is partially reconciled.
We hope this will be useful to you to facilitate your reconciliation
Thanks for the feedback
Javier Gonzalez
Actualmente ya es posible saber el importe pendiente de conciliar de cualquier pago que esté conciliado de forma parcial.
Esperamos que esto os sea de utilidad para facilitar vuestra conciliación
Gracias por el feedback
Javier Gonzalez
in progress
Javier Gonzalez
Cuando hay clientes que pagan a plazos, es importante saber exactamente el importe que tienen pendiente y conciliar con el banco, no sólo ver el estado en colores, también el importe.